

This website was created prior to construction and completed apartments may vary from the images or computer generated renders shown. Changes may be made during the development and dimensions, fixtures, fittings, finishes and specifications are subject to change without notice. Images are presented for representational purposes only and may not be relied upon in any way, shape or form. Lifestyle images shown are generic and do not purport in any way to depict the actual completed development. These particulars are not an offer or contract, nor part of one and are not a promise, warranty or statement or representation of fact for any intending purchaser. The developer and their related companies, representatives and agents accept no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or claim of whatsoever nature suffered by any person or persons seeking to rely on any information, representation, projection, opinion, or other statement provided herein.


Planning Consents & Legal Permits: At the date this website was created the project team is applying for the required planning permissions and permits which may or may not be granted.


Last updated: June 2021

Privacy Policy

About this Privacy Policy
At No.1 Church St, we take our privacy obligations and the protection of your personal information seriously. This policy is designed to describe the personal information we collect, how we protect it, what we do with it, and your privacy rights.

Privacy Obligations
We are subject to the Privacy Act (including the Australian Privacy Principles) and other laws which protect your privacy. In some cases, exemptions under these laws may apply, in which case we may rely on those exemptions despite this policy. For example, the Privacy Act includes an exemption for the handling of employee records in some circumstances.

We collect personal information about our customers, staff members, and other individuals. For example, we may collect personal information about you when you contact us or join our mailing list.

The types of personal information we collect includes current and historical personal information including information about your name, contact details, identification, organisation, employment, positions held, forms submitted, payment details, interests, preferences, opinions and enquiry/complaint details. We also collect personal information about individuals’ transactions and dealings with us, including any contact by telephone, email or online.

We collect personal information directly from you as well as from third parties including public sources, our related companies, your organisation, your representatives, information service providers, social media and the parties with whom we exchange information as described here.

Where you provide us with personal information about someone else you must have their consent to provide their personal information to us based on this Privacy Policy.

We collect, hold, use and disclose personal information to operate our business. This includes managing our property portfolio, maintaining and updating our records, communicating and managing our relationships with stakeholders including our customers, staff and business contacts, representing investors, tenants, property agents and others, recruiting, training and managing staff, protecting our lawful interests and facilitating acquisitions and potential acquisitions of our business.

We may not be able to do these things without your personal information.

We may exchange your personal information with our related bodies corporate, your and our representatives and with our service providers that assist us with archival, auditing, accounting, customer contact, legal, business consulting, banking, payment, debt collection, delivery, data processing, data analysis, document management, information broking, research, investigation, insurance, website, technology, payroll, superannuation, staff benefits, surveillance and training services.


Some of the third parties described above may be located in other countries. By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you agree that in the case of a privacy breach by the offshore third party, we will not be accountable for the third party under the Privacy Act and you may not be able to seek redress under the Privacy Act.

Data Security
We implement a range of measures to protect the security of personal information, including – depending on the circumstances – passwords, locked filing cabinets and physical access restrictions. We hold personal information electronically and in hard copy form, both at our own premises and with the assistance of our service providers.

If you visit no.1churchst.com.au to read, browse or download information, our system may record information such as your server address, top-level domain (e.g. .com, .au, etc), date and time of your visit to the Websites, pages accessed, information downloaded, the previous site visited and browser type. This information is used for statistical, reporting and website administration and maintenance purposes.

Like many other websites, our websites may use ‘cookies’ from time to time. A cookie is a piece of information that allows our system to identify and interact more effectively with your browser. The cookie helps us to maintain the continuity of your browsing session and remember your details and preferences when you return. You can configure your web browser software to reject cookies however some parts of our websites may not have full functionality in that case.

Our websites may use Google services such as Google Analytics from time to time. For more about how Google collects and processes data, please see Google’s privacy policy.

Access and Correction
You can contact us if you wish to access or correct any personal information, we may hold about you. We will respond within a reasonable time and may need to verify your identity.

Please provide as much detail as you can about the information you seek, in order to help us locate it. We will provide our reasons if we deny any request for access to or correction of personal information. Where we refuse to make a requested correction, you can ask us to make a note of your requested correction with the information.

You can contact us if you wish to make a complaint about how we have handled your personal information. Please provide as many details as you can. We may need to engage or consult with other parties in order to investigate and deal with your complaint. We will keep records of your complaint and any resolution.


You can contact our Privacy Officer via one of the means below:
Telephone: +61 457 446 874
Email: [email protected]

Last updated: June 2021


[email protected]
0457 446 874


99 Macquarie Street, Dubbo


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[email protected]
0457 446 874


99 Macquarie Street, Dubbo